Unlocking the Power of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

MenuContact Menu Unlocking the Power of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Introduction Being an effective leader is about more than just having the right credentials or experience. It’s also about h̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶ s̶n̶a̶z̶z̶y̶ c̶a̶r̶ being able to connect with and understand your team, recognising their needs and motivating them to succeed.  And to do that well, you…

Can you Overcome these Five Business Challenges on Your Own?

MenuContact Menu Can you Overcome these Five Business Challenges on Your Own? If you’re like most business leaders, you’ll probably feel like you have to tackle all of your company’s problems on your own. After all, it’s your business. You started it. You’re the one who’s supposed to have the vision. And you’re the one…

Think you need a business coach? Here are all the reasons you’re damn right!

MenuContact Menu Think you need a business coach? Here are all the reasons you’re damn right! Have you ever wondered why elite athletes have coaches and mentors?  Sure, they have the talent and skill to be successful, but having a coach helps them stay at the top of their game. Guess what? This same concept…